ORDERING INFORMATION: www.fourcorners.com We encourage you to use our web site for ordering -- it's the fastest and most secure way to order. We also provide the following alternatives for ordering Order by mail: Four Corners Direct, Inc. PO Box 390261 El Paso, TX 88539-0261 Orders by toll free number: 1-800-550-5700 PRODUCT DETAILS: Yes! The amazing T2MP3 hand-held converter/player will let you enjoy all that great music that you probably haven't played in years! Really simple to use. Just put in the cassette tape, connect to your PC (or Mac) and the software supplied converts the whole tape to MP3 format. You can then burn from MP3 to CD, or transfer to your MP3 player! Remember those great mixed tapes you made and received from your friends? Now you can enjoy them all over again, wherever you go! How long has it been since you dusted off your collection of cassette tapes? With this TAPE-TO-MP3 CONVERTER you can rescue your cassette tape collection and bring all those memories back to life again! Preserve all your vintage music by saving them as digital MP3 files on your computer. Add them to your MP3 library or use your PC to burn a CD. You take your music from cassette to MP3 in just a few clicks. This is the best and lowest cost option ever to convert your tapes. Don't pay 0.00 to 0.00 for other machines! The T2MP3 has multi-playback options -- you can listen to tape playback with headphones (not included) or on your stereo system. For Windows XP/Vista/7 and ...
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